Programming Foundation

Java Professional

  • Live instructor-led course
  • Internship with live projects
  • Industry-relevant curriculum
  • Online and Offline training available
  • Placement support until you get placed

This industry oriented course is developed by both the Software development division & Training division of ipsr solutions limited.

  • Last updated 24 June, 2024
  • English
Course Description

This industry oriented course is developed by both the Software development division & Training division of ipsr solutions limited. IPSR is a public limited IT company with 20 years of expertise in Software product development, Training services, Placement services & Digital Marketing services. During the past 2 decades, IPSR has trained candidates from 50+ countries and helped 40000+ candidates to build their IT career. Our IT services division is a pioneer in development of Academic solution products, incorporating cutting edge technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics and Machine learning. Live industry experts from this IT division contribute a major role in delivering this course. Our placement division is having 1500+ placement tie-up companies and we are conducting recruitment on all days.

What you’ll learn
  • Create Java standalone applications.
  • Create simple web applications using Java web components such as JSP, Servlets and ORM as Hibernate.
  • Create an MVC application using Spring Framework
Working with Java Primitive Data Types - Declare and initialize variables (including casting and promoting primitive data types), Identify the scope of variable, Use local variable type inference

Using Operators and Decision Constructs - Use Java operators including the use of parenthesis to override operator precedence, Use Java control statements including if else and switch, Create and use do/while while and for loops including nested loops use break and continue statements

Describing and Using Objects and Classes - Declare and instantiate Java objects and explain objects lifecycles (including creation dereferencing by reassignment and garbage collection), Define the structure of a Java class, Read or write to object fields

Creating and Using Methods - Create methods and constructors with arguments and return values, Create and invoke overloaded methods, Apply the static keyword to methods and fields

Applying Encapsulation - Apply access modifiers, Apply encapsulation principles to a class

Reusing Implementations Through Inheritance - Create and use subclasses and superclasses, Create and extend abstract classes, Enable polymorphism by overriding methods, Utilize polymorphism to cast and call methods differentiating object type versus reference type, Distinguish overloading overriding and hiding

Working with String APIs - Create and manipulate Strings, Manipulate data using the StringBuilder class and its methods

Working with Java Arrays - Declare instantiate initialize and use a one-dimensional array, Declare instantiate initialize and use two-dimensional array, Use for each loop

Final & Nested Classes - Create and use final classes, Create and use inner nested and anonymous classes, Create and use enumerations

Programming Abstractly Through Interfaces - Create and implement interfaces, Distinguish class inheritance from interface inheritance including abstract classes, Create and use interfaces with default methods, Create and use interfaces with private methods

Exception Handling and Assertions - Describe the advantages of Exception handling and differentiate among checked unchecked exceptions and Errors, Create try-catch blocks and determine how exceptions alter program flow, Create and invoke a method that throws an exception, Use the try-with-resources construct, Create and use custom exception classes, Test invariants by using assertions

Generics and Collections - Use wrapper classes autoboxing and autounboxing, Create and use generic classes methods with diamond notation and wildcards, Describe the Collections Framework and use key collection interfaces, Use Comparator and Comparable interfaces, Create and use convenience methods for collections

Functional Interface and Lambda Expressions - Define and write functional interfaces, Create and use lambda expressions including statement lambdas local-variable for lambda parameters

Built-in Functional Interfaces - Use interfaces from the java.util.function package, Use core functional interfaces including Predicate Consumer Function and Supplier, Use primitive and binary variations of base interfaces of java.util.function package

Understanding modules - Describe the Modular JDK, Declare modules and enable access between modules, Describe how a modular project is compiled and run

Migration to a Modular Application - Migrate the application developed using a Java version prior to SE 9 to SE 11 including top-down and bottom-up migration splitting a Java SE 8 application into modules for migration, Use jdeps to determine dependencies and identify ways to address the cyclic dependencies

Java Stream API - Describe the Stream interface and pipelines, Use lambda expressions and method references

Lambda Operations on Streams - Extract stream data using map peek and flatMap methods, Search stream data using search findFirst findAny anyMatch allMatch and noneMatch methods, Use the Optional class, Perform calculations using count max min average and sum stream operations, Sort a collection using lambda expressions, Use Collectors with streams including the groupingBy and partitioningBy operations

I/O (Fundamentals and NIO2) - Read data from and write console and file data using I/O Streams, Use I/O Streams to read and write files, Read and write objects by using serialization, Use the Path interface to operate on file and directory paths, Use the Files class to check delete copy or move a file or directory, Use the Stream API with Files

Concurrency - Create worker threads using Runnable Callable and use an ExecutorService to concurrently execute tasks, Use java.util.concurrent collections and classes including CyclicBarrier and CopyOnWriteArrayList, Write thread-safe code, Identify threading problems such as deadlocks and livelocks

DBMS – MySQL - MySql datatypes, CRUD operations, Subquery, Join, Aggregate functions, Procedures

Database Applications with JDBC - Connect to databases using JDBC URLs and DriverManager, Use PreparedStatement to perform CRUD operations, Use PreparedStatement and CallableStatement APIs to perform database operations

Annotations - Describe the purpose of annotations and typical usage patterns, Apply annotations to classes and methods, Describe commonly used annotations in the JDK, Declare custom annotations

Localization - Use the Locale class, Use resource bundles, Format messages dates and numbers with Java

Servlet life cycle - Handling web requests in servlets, Servlet Context Application Context Servlet Config InterServlet communication, Servlet filters

JSP Page Structure & Implicit objects - JSP Life cycle, Sessions & Session handling, Database communication – using JDBC and ORM using Hibernate JSTL, jQuery & AJAX Upload files & Images

Spring MVC - MVC Architecture, Create Models Views Controllers, MVC Form Tags, MVC CRUD Operations, MVC JPA, File/Image Uploading, Spring RESTFul application, Spring + React JS

Project - A main project using spring

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Jacqueline Miller

2 days ago

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Louis Ferguson

1 days ago

Water timed folly right aware if oh truth. Imprudence attachment him for sympathize. Large above be to means. Dashwood does provide stronger is. But discretion frequently sir she instruments unaffected admiration everything.

Dennis Barrett

2 days ago

Handsome met debating sir dwelling age material. As style lived he worse dried. Offered related so visitors we private removed. Moderate do subjects to distance.

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  • Louis Ferguson

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Course Schedule

Python Professional
  • 03 Oct, 2024 Online

Java Professional
  • 07 Oct, 2024 Online

Python Professional
  • 08 Oct, 2024 Kochi

Python Professional
  • 08 Oct, 2024 Kochi Professional
  • 22 Oct, 2024 Online
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