Programming Foundation

ASP.Net Professional

This course covers the basic C# programming, web development technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript

  • Last updated 24 June, 2024
  • English
Course Description

This course covers the basic C# programming, web development technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript, web application development using Asp.Net and MVC architecture, how to use strongly typed models in your views; how to build models with Entity Framework; and how to create your own custom validation attributes and develop dynamic applications in Code First Approach.

What you’ll learn
  • Build and maintain applications with ASP.NET MVC in Code First Approach.
The .NET Framework - an Overview - The .NET Framework - an Overview

Framework Components - Framework Components

MS.NET Base Class Library - MS.NET Base Class Library

MS.NET Namespaces - MS.NET Namespaces

The Common Language Runtime (CLR) - The Common Language Runtime (CLR)

MS.NET Memory Management / Garbage Collection - MS.NET Memory Management / Garbage Collection

Common Type System (CTS) - Common Type System (CTS)

Common Language Specification (CLS) - Common Language Specification (CLS)

Introduction to Project and Solution in Studio - Introduction to Project and Solution in Studio

Entry point method - Main. - Entry point method - Main.

Compiling and Building Projects - Compiling and Building Projects

Basic C# Syntax Comments - Basic C# Syntax Comments

Data Types Variables - Data Types Variables

Value type and Reference Type Operators - Value type and Reference Type Operators

Flow Control and conditional statements - Flow Control and conditional statements

Initializing Arrays - Initializing Arrays

Accessing Array Elements Different Type of Arrays Array Functions - Accessing Array Elements Different Type of Arrays Array Functions

Defining Methods in C# Calling Methods in C# Recursive Method Call - Defining Methods in C# Calling Methods in C# Recursive Method Call

Passing Parameters to a Method Passing Parameters by Value - Passing Parameters to a Method Passing Parameters by Value

Creating a String Object Properties of the String Class Methods of the String Class - Creating a String Object Properties of the String Class Methods of the String Class

ArrayList SortedList Hash Tables Stack Queue - ArrayList SortedList Hash Tables Stack Queue

Generic Collections List<T> Dictionary<TKeyTValue> - Generic Collections List<T> Dictionary<TKeyTValue>

OOP’s Overview. - OOP’s Overview.

Classes and Objects Constructor –Types of Constructor Types of Inheritance Polymorphism Overloading and Overriding Encapsulation Overview of Abstract Class & Interface - Classes and Objects Constructor –Types of Constructor Types of Inheritance Polymorphism Overloading and Overriding Encapsulation Overview of Abstract Class & Interface

Interface and abstract class with examples - Interface and abstract class with examples

HTML CSS JavaScript - HTML CSS JavaScript

Creating Web form application Web Control Class Managing Server Controls Standard Webcontrols and Events Handling images Navigating Between Pages ListControls Dropdownlist Listbox CheckboxList etc Creating Using file upload control and Restrictions - Creating Web form application Web Control Class Managing Server Controls Standard Webcontrols and Events Handling images Navigating Between Pages ListControls Dropdownlist Listbox CheckboxList etc Creating Using file upload control and Restrictions

Validation Controls validation controls Configuring validation controls - Validation Controls validation controls Configuring validation controls

Overview of ADO.NET Connection object Command object Execution Methods Data Readers Forms with database connectivity - Overview of ADO.NET Connection object Command object Execution Methods Data Readers Forms with database connectivity

Disconnected Architecture SqlDataAdapter Dataset Datatable Working With DataControls(Gridview) GridView Operations - Disconnected Architecture SqlDataAdapter Dataset Datatable Working With DataControls(Gridview) GridView Operations

Preserving state in web applications Client and Server side StateManagement Create a simple Registration Form using StateManagement - Preserving state in web applications Client and Server side StateManagement Create a simple Registration Form using StateManagement

Configuring Master Page creating Themes Applying Themes Applying External Style Sheet Working with Template - Configuring Master Page creating Themes Applying Themes Applying External Style Sheet Working with Template

Introduction of Two tier Architecture Working with Two Tier Architecture Introduction of Three tier Architecture Working with Three Tier Architecture Working with Stored Procedure - Introduction of Two tier Architecture Working with Two Tier Architecture Introduction of Three tier Architecture Working with Three Tier Architecture Working with Stored Procedure

File I/O Streams Working with Directory and Files Read and Write File - File I/O Streams Working with Directory and Files Read and Write File

Introduction to LINQ LINQ to DataSet LINQ to SQL LINQ to XML - Introduction to LINQ LINQ to DataSet LINQ to SQL LINQ to XML

What is ASP.NET Core? ASP.NET Core Features Advantages of ASP.NET Core v MVC Pattern Understanding ASP.NET Core MVC ASP.NET Core vs. ASP.NET MVC vs. ASP.NET Web Forms ASP.NET Core First Application ASP.NET Core Environment Setup ASP .NET Core First Application Project Layout Understanding Life Cycle of ASP.Net Core Request - What is ASP.NET Core? ASP.NET Core Features Advantages of ASP.NET Core v MVC Pattern Understanding ASP.NET Core MVC ASP.NET Core vs. ASP.NET MVC vs. ASP.NET Web Forms ASP.NET Core First Application ASP.NET Core Environment Setup ASP .NET Core First Application Project Layout Understanding Life Cycle of ASP.Net Core Request

Controllers Overview Action Methods and IActionResult object Passing data from Controller to View Understanding Action Selectors - Controllers Overview Action Methods and IActionResult object Passing data from Controller to View Understanding Action Selectors

Introducing Razor View Advantages of Razor View Razor Syntax Types of Views Partial View Layout Pages - Introducing Razor View Advantages of Razor View Razor Syntax Types of Views Partial View Layout Pages

Create Model Class Create Tables What is Context Class Bind Data in Models - Create Model Class Create Tables What is Context Class Bind Data in Models

Basic CRUD Operations using Entity Framework Sessions Ajax and jQuery Image/File uploading Registration and Login Concept - Basic CRUD Operations using Entity Framework Sessions Ajax and jQuery Image/File uploading Registration and Login Concept

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Jacqueline Miller

2 days ago

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Louis Ferguson

1 days ago

Water timed folly right aware if oh truth. Imprudence attachment him for sympathize. Large above be to means. Dashwood does provide stronger is. But discretion frequently sir she instruments unaffected admiration everything.

Dennis Barrett

2 days ago

Handsome met debating sir dwelling age material. As style lived he worse dried. Offered related so visitors we private removed. Moderate do subjects to distance.

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